Friday, August 14, 2009

Nudibranchs in the Sky

Several days ago I visited the Mori tower, an ueber-modern shopping, business and amuesement complex in Roppongi Hills. The best thing about the Mori tower is the Sky Aquarium, an incredibly creative underwater exhibit on the 53rd floor of the building. Imagine walking through a series of dark rooms in which the only light comes from oddly shaped aquaria jutting out of the walls, ceilings and floors. Very well done and for anyone visiting Tokyp prior to November 2009 a must see. Photography was not allowed but I cheated.
Here are some snapshots....

When I have money (ever?) I will buy myself this superb fishtank.

Up close and personal with Nemo's friend.

Life is a blur.

Another 'if I have money' fishtank.

The grand finale - A tank full of Nudibranchs. Russell, have you ever seen a Nudibrach on the 53rd floor of a building? This tank was my moment to shine. Everyone was oohing and aahing the slugs and nobody knew what they were. So as a former minor personality in the snail business I shone with my knowledge about large neurons and statocysts.....

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